Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Base your Vote on Facts not Fiction

This was a recent Letter to the Editor

The upcoming November 6th Election is important to the future of Kernersville. I have served the citizens of Kernersville for the past four years and have done so with integrity and honesty. I ask you to vote November 6th based on the facts of the past two years and the public record of the individual Aldermen votes. Do not go by the false and misleading information that has been written in Letters to The Editor and stated by other candidates. First, the Board of Aldermen never took a vote on the change that occurred in regards to how we would pay for sleep time for the firefighters. The policy change was made by the Town Manger. Aldermen did comment on their opinion in regards to the change, but the Board did not take a vote to change the policy. Secondly, The Board of Aldermen did not accept Mr. Davis’s resignation as a fall guy. I believe every Alderman and the Mayor have stated many times that several factors led to the acceptance of his resignation. Thirdly, this Board of Aldermen has not voted to hold the school board hostage for $ 300,000. A past Board of Aldermen (in which I was not a member) did show forward thinking and reserved land from the developer for the construction of the new school. Currently, the plan is being looked at by the staff and the planning board. Lastly, let me say the Board of Aldermen did not vote down the construction of a Cracker Barrel restaurant. After one candidate stated he would work on bring them back to Kernersville, I have received numerous calls regarding this subject. Please make sure your vote on November 6th is based on the facts. I stand behind my voting record as a member of the Board of Aldermen and I am sure my fellow board members stand on their voting record. I ask that you not judge me or others based on false information. I would encourage you to go online and look at the minutes of past meetings or simply pick up the phone and call me. I will tell you the truth on how I have voted and give you my reasons why. You the citizens deserve leaders that will stand behind their records and tell the facts on the issues. I have always done that in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Our town web site is www.toknc.com or visit my blog at http://danacaudilljones.blogspot.com

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