Thursday, October 18, 2007

"What do you feel are the two most important issues facing Kernersville today? In five years? In 10 years?

Kernersville will face issues over the next ten years and planning is the key in how to effectively find positive solutions to the issues. TODAY: Economic growth must continue and will with projects like Triad Business Park which at build out could add approx. 1/2 million dollars in revenue to Kernersville. The Kernersville hospital will bring immediate positive change to our citizens quality of life and to our economic base with the creation of jobs. Five & Ten Years: We must continue to build upon the strength of our location and current strong economy. We must continue to plan pro-actively and creatively in ways to increase our tax base in order to deliver a better road system. Establish plans now and work toward those plans for police, fire & rescue, recreation, & public works to service a growing community. We need leadership with a vision for the future and the motivation to make it happen.

As a citizen what do you feel are the important issues facing Kernersville?

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